Friday, November 20, 2009

It is all in the details.......

At first glance, this picture just looks like a typical picture you might find in anybody's album....nothing to extraordinary about it......very much typical. But it is what is in the background that makes this picture special.....worth keeping. Had this photo been a good representation of Brian and me, I would have blown it up, framed it, hung it on the wall and shown everyone why this seemingly typical picture is so not.
If you look closer at the background you will see 3 people waving........those people aren't crazy. They are family. They were meeting us at the baseball game, saw us posing for this picture and seized the moment to be apart of this photo opportunity.  We had no idea they were there. I can't help but look at this picture and smile ....... remembering Winston's 1st baseball game and how it was a family first as well. We all got together and went to the game.........a little adventure per say. Even though we didn't take a group picture that day, it is because of this picture we kinda did........I mean look at Ben, it looks like he is whispering "cheeeeeese!" right in my ear. Ha!

Here's another picture from that day in August of 2008, just about a year to the date when Reagan was born.
Winston was about 7 months old.

 Speaking of is a picture of him too!
   This was October of 2009. 
   He was about 2 1/2 months old.

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